Here are the most common questions you may have about counselling services offered at Embolden.

If you have any other specific questions, we will be glad to answer them.


How do I get started?

You may reach us via E-mail or phone to schedule an appointment. During your first appointment you will be asked basic, informational questions and work with us to help understand your situation and establish goals for counselling.

At the end of our 45 minutes you can choose to schedule weekly sessions moving forward, or we can provide you with referrals to other providers.

Is counselling and therapy confidential?

100%. At Embolden, we ensure that your information is utmost confidential and we are legally and ethically obliged to not discuss your situation with anyone.

This means that information about your counselling sessions is not shared with anyone without your expressed written permission.

There are some exceptions to confidentiality, however. If there is the possibility of harm to the client or another person, or in cases of child or elder abuse. You may discuss more details with us in person.

How long does therapy take to work?

The answer to this depends on the kind of help you are looking for. There is no magic number or formula to determine how long it may take. Sometimes people feel relief after one or two sessions.

After that, we begin to work towards more serious goals and plans! It is common to feel a little low before you feel better, as therapy requires self-reflection and exploration of the past, which can sometimes lead to painful insights and realizations.

These realizations are essential to your long term change. With professional help and new coping skills many people evolve to experience longer-lasting relief and results.

Do you work with someone my age?

We have worked with and enjoy working with all ages, 5 years old and up

Everyone struggles sometimes regardless of their age. Feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment and see how things progress.

I'm not sure if I'm doing badly enough to start counselling or therapy.

It is always important to remember that you don't have to be in crisis to benefit from counselling. In fact, it's great to be in counselling proactively!

Many people see the benefits of talking to a counsellor to improve their lives. Plus, counselling can be a great help when you're feeling "off", or "not feeling great", and you just can't explain it.

Simply not feeling like yourself for days on end is a perfectly good reason to seek therapy. Just the way we visit a doctor for regular check ups or when we don't feel well, visiting a counsellor from time to time can help ensure that we are at the best of our emotional and mental health.

Do you have all the answers?

No. As your counsellor we ensure that we will work together and help you in the process of finding your own answers.

How often should I expect to visit?

This depends on the kind of counselling and help you may require. It is important to participate in sessions on a weekly basis

In some situations, especially with children, it may be important to visit twice a week initially and move on to weekly sessions. Otherwise, it is hard to gain momentum and see changes. counselling can be hard work, and with a weekly commitment you strengthen the unique mental muscles that are required to make lasting change.

How long does a counselling session last?

Most sessions are scheduled for a duration of 45 minutes - 1 hour. However, there are exceptions to this depending on the situation of the client.

Can I cancel an appointment?

It is very important that you arrive early or on-time for your scheduled appointments. Regular, timely attendance of your counselling sessions will help you to achieve your therapeutic goals.

If for some reason you are unable to make it to your scheduled session, please call make sure to inform the centre in advance, preferably 24-hours ahead.

What are the common myths about counselling?

Asking for help is a sign of weakness

Contrary to this belief, it takes a great deal of emotional strength to seek help for problems that may be too overwhelming to manage alone.

A therapist will fix my problems right away

Recovery is an evolution, not a miracle. The goal of counselling is not for someone else to "fix" your problems. We are here to help you to identify those concerns and to set goals for yourself. Solving those problems may involve working with your therapist to explore your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. In doing so, you can explore your options and make a decision for how to best achieve your goals. YOU are the best one to fix your problems!

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